Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What's the word for?

OK, I'm still in my critical mode. Can we all agree to fight for the preservation of one more word? It's a great little three letter word, FOR. It's pronounced just like the four letter words, four, or fore. It does not rhyme with fur, or fir, or the colloquial "fer", which when spoken makes someone sound instantly less intelligent. It does take a little more effort to open the jaw to articulate the sound, but I think it's worth the effort. I'm waiting for those academy award speeches. Who will say it? "I'd like to thank so and so FER being there for me". While I'm at it can we try to keep the "ING" thing going. I know the previous and current presidents and Ms. Palin don't bother, but can we just keep tryin... fer Pete's sake.

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